Amazing Grace Quilters
This dedicated group of quilters meets twice a month to lovingly craft quilts for people in need around the world. This last year Amazing Grace Quilters sent 216 colorful handmade quilts to Lutheran World Relief. Locally in Grays Harbor they provided 69 quilts to local individuals through Friendship House, Clothing Bank, Salvation Army, and Union Gospel Mission. They also made eight special confirmation quilts for the young people of our church being confirmed. In addition to quilts the Amazing Grace Quilters group collects necessities including 161 school kits and 302 health kits to send to Lutheran World Relief. Meeting at the same time as the Quilters is our Maintenance Crew. They do an amazing job maintaining our almost 100 year old building!

Family Promise of Grays Harbor

Family Promise of Grays Harbor day center is housed in the bottom floor of our Parish Hall. Family Promise of Grays Harbor is a volunteer driven organization that unites the interfaith community and local resources to help homeless children and their families get back on their feet. Family Promise works closely with guests to help them achieve long-term, sustainable independence. Family Promise is not just about getting families into housing, but addressing all the underlying issues and using the community to keep them in housing.
Union Gospel Mission
Once monthly teams from Amazing Grace prepare and serve a meal to the local Union Gospel Mission in Aberdeen.
Grays Harbor Food Bank
Several times during the year Amazing Grace collects food for the local food bank, including specific items for holiday baskets and soup on 'Souper Bowl' Sunday.

God's Work, Our Hands
During this event we branch out into the community and serve in various capacities. This past year groups served a meal at the river homeless camp and made updates to a home in disrepair for an individual in need. Also supplies were gathered and packaged for needy.

Rivercity Camp

Amazing Grace was the first church in Grays Harbor to host Rivercity, a homeless camp for displaced 'campers' in our community. In the summer of 2015 approximately 20 campers called our parking lot home. When the 3-month limit on hosting the camp was reached, the campers moved on to another host church. We continued to support Rivercity, where ever it was located, with contributtions of prayer, time and money. In December of 2016 we hosted the homeless camp in our parking lot again. These people were our guest till May of 2017 when the camp was disbanded. There were several that moved up into housing due to the stepping stone of the organized homeless camp.
We also support the following ministries ...
Friends in Need – emergency funds for local people in crisis
Habitat for Humanity
Living Stones Ministry at the Shelton Correctional Facility
Salvation Army
Namibia – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia - our sister synod
Pacific Lutheran University
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
... and more!